Concrete floors have certainly evolved over the decades.  When first installed in facilities, they were invariably used in the most functional of areas such as basements, warehouses, industrial work areas, etc.  Now you see them just about anywhere in all types of residential and commercial facilities.

Today, concrete floors are often dyed or stained in different colors and decorated with patterns and designs.  This has helped make concrete an “in” floor.

But many people have misconceptions about the cleaning and the care of concrete floors. Below are six of the most common misconceptions:

Misconception 1: Concrete and cement are the same things.

While the terms are used interchangeably, cement is just an ingredient found in concrete. Along with cement, concrete is made up of gravel, sand, and crushed stones.

Misconception 2:  The best way to clean concrete is by wet mopping with just pure water.

The best way to keep these floors clean is to select a cleaning solution specifically designed to clean concrete floors.  If using a floor machine to clean the floor, some concrete cleaning solutions contain a low friction lubricant.  This makes it easier to glide the machine over the floor.

Misconception 3: Concrete floors are prone to cracking.

This is not a misconception. If a concrete floor is not poured over a smooth, level surface, it may develop cracks after installation.  Sometimes they are small, while other times they are substantial and quite noticeable. The main reason for this is the “settling” of the concrete after it has been installed along with building shifting.

Misconception 4: A floor maintenance program is not necessary with concrete floors.

Earlier we mentioned that concrete floors should be treated like any other type of floor.  This means a maintenance program is needed. If the floor does not have a sealant or finish applied, the floor should be swept or vacuumed daily; wet mopped or cleaned using a floor machine and the proper cleaning solutions such as those mentioned earlier.

If an impregnator (similar to a sealant) has been applied to the floor or if a finish applied, then the floor will also need to be buffed or burnished.

Here’s a tip: select all floor care products from the same manufacturer. They are often designed to work together.  This synergy will make you’re the care and cleaning of concrete easier.

Misconception 5: An impregnator or sealant should always be applied to a concrete floor.

The best way to address this is to say that it is highly recommended. The principal reason is that it prevents soil and moisture from working their way into the floor.  Plus, it is invariably easier to clean and maintain a floor on a daily basis if it has been sealed and finished.

Misconception 6: A polished concrete floor refers to a concrete floor with a finish applied.

When we use the term “polished concrete,” it typically refers to concrete floors polished using grinding equipment, not floor finish. The grinding process will help determine its gloss, from a flat sheen to a high-gloss shine.

However, a more modern version of the polishing process has evolved, allowing a floor to be polished and maintained using just a standard floor scrubber with specialized pads and chemicals.  This process is generally easy to perform, does not require the use of specialized equipment, and cost effective.

For more information on concrete floor care, contact Charlotte Products at